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Poets and Writers

Dan Raphael

Since moving to Portland in 1977, Dan Raphael has been active in the poetry community as poet, performer, editor, and reading arranger.

Kathleen Ripley Leo

Kathleen Ripley Leo was born in Chicago to a Polish mom and a Navy dad. She lives in Michigan. She is the author of a dozen published collections of poems, the author of the novel, The Seamless Universe, and 10 other collections.

John Rybicki

John Rybicki’s latest book of poems, When All the World Is Old (Lookout Books), was published in 2012. He is the author of two previous collections, We Bed Down into Water , and Traveling at High Speeds.

Judith Skillman

Judith Skillman (born 1954) is an award-winning contemporary Northwest American poet and the author of eighteen books of verse. Her latest book is Came Home to Winter (2019).

Bill Rasmovicz

Bill Rasmovicz is an American poet. He is author of The World in Place of Itself (Alice James Books, 2007), a 2006 Kinereth Gensler Award winner, which also won the 2008 Sheila Motton Award from the New England Poetry Club.

Jerome Rothenberg

Jerome Rothenberg (born December 11, 1931) is an American poet, translator and anthologist, noted for his work in the fields of ethnopoetics and performance poetry.

Barry Silesky

Barry Silesky (born 1949) is a Minneapolis-native poet, biographer, and non-fiction writer. He moved to Chicago where he studied for a BA from Northwestern University and an MA from the University of Illinois.

Warren Slesinger

Warren Slesinger is an American writer who worked as an editor and market manager for major publishers. His first book of poetry was 'Field with Figurations' (1970).

John Calvin Rezmerski

John Calvin Rezmerski was recently appointed Poet Laureate of the League of Minnesota Poets. His poetry collections include Breaking The Rules (2010) and Cataloging the Flow: Elegy (2017).

Thaddeus Rutkowski

Thaddeus Rutkowski teaches fiction writing at the Writer's Voice of the West Side YMCA in New York. Hist most recent story collections include Violent Outbursts (2015), Guess and Check (2017) and Tricks of Light (2020).

Maxine Silverman

Maxine Silverman's paternal grandparents came from Czestochowa and settled in Sedalia, Missouri, to work in the rail yards. She is the author 'Palimpsests' and a winner of a Pushcart Prize.

David Sosnowski

David Sosnowski has worked as a gag writer, fireworks salesman, telephone pollster, university writing instructor, and environmental protection specialist, while living in cities: Washington, DC; Detroit, Michigan; and Fairbanks, Alaska.

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