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Danuta Kosk-Kosicka

Born and raised in Poland, Danuta E. Kosk-Kosicka is a distinguished biochemist, bilingual poet, writer, poetry translator, and co-editor of the literary journal Loch Raven Review. She is also a photographer whose work has been exhibited in individual and group shows and used for book covers.

Danuta is the author of Oblige the Light, winner of the fifth annual Clarinda Harriss Poetry Prize (CityLit Press); and Face Half-Illuminated, a book of poems, translations, and prose, published by Apprentice House.

She is the translator for two bilingual books of poems by Lidia Kosk, niedosyt/reshapings and Słodka woda, słona woda/Sweet Water, Salt Water, the latter of which she edited.

Danuta is the editor of Szklana gra/Glass Mountain featuring Lidia Kośka poem in twenty-two languages. They can be heard in the second, 2019, edition of the book enriched with QR codes. Recently, music professor Sal Ferrantelli composed the score for Szklana góra.The world premiere performance of the song by the Peabody soprano Laura Kafka-Price was in May 2019 at the Arts Club in Washington, DC.

Her poems, translations, essays, and interviews, have appeared in many literary journals and anthologies in the USA, Poland, Ireland, Japan, Russia, Spain, Sweden, and the UK. Her translations of poems by three Maryland Poets Laureate—Lucille Clifton, Josephine Jacobsen, and Linda Pastan—have been published in Poland; her translations of poems by Grzegorz Białkowski, Ernest Bryll, Lidia Kosk, Stanisław Lem, and Wisława Szymborska have appeared in over 80 publications in the USA. Recent publications include Notre Dame Review, International Poetry Review, Spillway, Tar River Poetry, and Tupello Quarterly. She has resided in Maryland, USA, for over three decades.



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